Goal 13 - Climate action

Foto: TMF

"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts."

"If we are to keep the global warming at 1,5 degrees, the most urgent aspect to deal with is the reduction of CO2 emissions. During the life cycle of a piece of furniture, the material choice is responsible for 40-50 % of the total amount of CO2 emissions. Therefore I choose to focus on this aspect already at the sketching table. That way I can work towards goal 13, to combat the climate changes. We have to take responsibility, both as consumers and producers, and consider the entire process – from the choice of material, to recycling or re-use."

Emma Olbers / Emma Olbers Design
Awarded furniture designer & Creative Director, with clients like Asplund, Eldvarm, Ire Möbel, Skultuna and Tre Sekel

Emma Olbers is a furniture designer with great focus on sustainable development. She grew up as the fifth generation on a farm and has always seen nature as a cycle. That is also why she finds the entire production process equally important, from the choice of material to recycling or re-using.   

Emma also encourages furniture producers to produce their furniture in Sweden, since it enables the use of sustainable energy and there are strict regulations that minimises harmful CO2 emissions.
According to Emma Olbers, everyone, either you are a consumer or producer, has to take responsibility to actually pay the cost in order to get closer to a more sustainable community.If we want to make a change, we have to raise this question every day and continue to make active choices every time we consume.

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